HellMA sock blockers, knee high, L-calf

Product category: 


  • PL38
  • PL39
  • PS, PM ja PL
  • Eri pohjevaihtoehdot PL, PM ja PS
  • PL, PM ja PS
  • Mittataulukko PL

Price From 41,99

HellMA sock blockers are manufactured with solid wood industry know-how and decades of experience. From the beginning, our goal was to make a wooden sock block with no compromises on usability. As a material, we use PEFC- and FSC-marked (*) domestic birch plywood with a thickness of as much as 9 millimeters. Thoughtfully designed and tested in use, the combination, together with the smooth and durable lacquer surface, makes it easy to thread and remove the sock even when wet. The thoughtful proportions of each size and model block the sock beautifully in every direction and make the handwriting smoother and more distinctive in detail. When blocking the sock, it is important to stretch the sock appropriately also in the width direction of the foot and calf. If the stretching is not done in the right proportions in different directions, the end result is far from desired and can distort the patterns and does not flatten the handwriting as intended. Thanks to several different base widths, you can choose the right size for you. For more information on selecting the size and width, see "Selecting a Size".

The beautiful and sleek construction is very durable thanks to the sturdy 9mm plywood. The open structure also speeds up the drying of the sock. The thick plywood is also rounded at the edges and has no sharp, sticky edges. The surface treatment begins with careful sanding to make the surface very smooth. The varnishing is then carried out several times, sanding off the roughness raised by the varnish. The result after several coats of varnish is very smooth. We use water-based varnish that meets the requirements of the strictest emission class of building materials, ie M1 class. So why multi-step and laborious varnishing? Wouldn't wax or oil be enough? We have tested numerous waxes, oils and varnishes and found that there are no shortcuts to a smooth and durable surface. With all the waxes and oils tested, the surface became rough after a few uses. Even in strikes, we have been looking for the best features for just this use.

Size selection

A large number of sizes and base widths may suddenly feel confusing, but that may not be the case. The starting point when choosing a size is to take the same numbered sock block as your own shoe number. Also, the size difference for one number is ultimately quite small and if you consider even between the 38 and 39 size sock blockers you will probably get a good result on both. If you knit lace / braided / embroidered socks, prefer to round the selection up. The sock block does not stretch the socks to the final leg size, but only to the extent that the handwriting is flattened and the patterns stand out better. For this reason, a sock block larger than one or even two sizes of shoe number does not stretch the sock too much yet. So sometimes it may be better to choose a size 40 even if your foot is a size 39. A large range of sizes allows you to find just the optimal size.

If you knit basic socks the size can also stretch downwards. If you want to block size 37 and 39 socks, you can choose a size 38 sock block. Here again, the wide range of sizes allows you to choose the middle size between the two sizes and you can buy just one instead of two pairs.

Base width selection

In the base widths M and L are a good starting point according to your own calf. The S-base is very narrow and its use is usually only necessary for those with a really narrow base, or if for one reason or another you do not want to block any bigger one. On the other hand, the base size can be rounded up if you want to open more patterns. For embroidered socks, we definitely recommend the L-leg. Please still check the dimensions on the scale before ordering. It is also worth remembering that because the sock block is flat, unlike a human foot, the block can in no way be a copy of the right foot.


HellMA sock blockers are manufactured in short and long arms. The short-sleeved is suitable for socks that reach up to half a calf. In both models, the length of the arm can be fully utilized without having a suspension notch shortening it. The long model is suitable for knee-length socks and is a good choice if you even ever make long socks. Of course, even short socks can be blocked in the long one, so it is more versatile. In the long-arm block, you can also stretch the leggings.

If you have any questions about the size selection, we will be happy to help you with the selection. So feel free to contact us!


Soak the socks. Squeeze most of the water out of the socks, for example inside a towel. Arrange the socks in blockers according to the patterns and allow to dry overnight. If you want to steam the socks, do it on loose socks, squeeze out any excess moisture and thread the hand-warm socks into blockers.


Even a lacquer surface always lets a little water vapor through and that is why we recommend that you allow the blockers to dry in peace after each use in a warm interior where air can circulate around the blockers. Storage is also good to do indoors instead of in a washroom or outdoor storage. Knocking on the lacquer surface can cause more damage.


HellMA sock blockers are delivered in a plastic-free packaging that is completely recyclable as cardboard. Delivery time depends on the selected delivery method and country.

(*) The certificate promotes ecologically, socially and economically sustainable forestry.

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Nämä toimitusehdot ovat voimassa 28.12.2020 alkaen.


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83100 Liperi


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